Self-Love and Ram-ness

Have you ever caught lamenting your self? "I shouldn't have done that" or "I shouldn't have said that" or "Man, I lost my temper again." If not, then this post is not for you. It is for us lesser mortals who are struggling to improve and be a better version of ourselves. It turns out... Continue Reading →

Seva, meditate through Service

An essential teaching of Sikhi is Seva or service to everyone. Seva can be done in any form towards any living thing in whatever way possible, as per an individual's capacity. The most visible form of Seva for Sikhs, as prescribed by the Sikh Gurus, is Langar Seva or the community kitchen. In the Gurudwaras (Sikh Temples)... Continue Reading →

Vand Chakko, Share with others

Guru Nanak Devji, the first Sikh Guru, defined 3 pillars for living a moral and just life for his students. They are Kirat Karni or earning a righteous living, Naam Japna or meditate on the Universal Energy and Vand kay Chakko or share first and enjoy together. In this is encapsulated most of the temporal... Continue Reading →

The Journey

In this journey, the sadhana (prayer-meditation) is giving experiences that are hard to explain or describe. The best one can do is, express it through art - as gratitude to that Universal Energy that binds everything. For the first time today, I have written a poem in my mother-tongue Punjabi and put it down in... Continue Reading →

Mool Mantra, The Beginning

Mool Mantra is the fountainhead of spiritual wisdom of Sikh philosophy. Ek Ongkar. Sat Nam. Karta Purakh. Nirbhau. Nirvair. Akal Moorath. Ajooni Saibhang. Gurparsad. - Guru Nanak  Devji One Eternal Light. Word is Truth. Creator Of All. Without Fear. Non-Vindictive. Timeless Image. Without Beginning and Breaks. Guru's Grace. Mool Mantra, Guru Nanak Devji It is... Continue Reading →

Chardi Kala, the art of living in High Spirits

One of the central teachings in Sikhism, that in my mind signifies a really deep philosophy in just one word,  Chardi Kala which literally translated means "high spirits". Our daily prayer ends with Nanak Naam Chardi Kala, teraa bhane sarbat da bhala. "Nanak, with Naam comes Chardi Kala and with your blessings, peace for everyone".  Sikhs consider... Continue Reading →

Kirat Karni, earning a Righteous Living

We watched a Bollywood movie this weekend, Badmash Company or Fraud Enterprise.  I enjoyed watching it as it was funny and entertaining. The main premise of the movie revolves around a bunch of young guys who want to get rich quick, get into scams and eventually realize their mistake. They turn a new leaf and... Continue Reading →

Haume, Ahankar, Self-conceit and Ego

We went and saw the movie Iron Man 2 the other day. It was pretty entertaining and I enjoyed watching it. At the same time it made me think about something that had been on my mind for a while now, the concept of ego/pride or ahankar as it is known in hindi and punjabi.... Continue Reading →


We are all part of the One Awwal Allah noor upaya; Kudrat ke sabh bande Ek noor te sabh jag upajya; Kaun bhale kaun mande - Bhagat Kabirji, Sri Guru Granth Sahib One perfect lord manifested the first light; And of the same nature are all beings Though one light was the world created; so why worry who is good... Continue Reading →

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