Chardi Kala, the art of living in High Spirits

One of the central teachings in Sikhism, that in my mind signifies a really deep philosophy in just one word,  Chardi Kala which literally translated means "high spirits". Our daily prayer ends with Nanak Naam Chardi Kala, teraa bhane sarbat da bhala. "Nanak, with Naam comes Chardi Kala and with your blessings, peace for everyone".  Sikhs consider... Continue Reading →

Kirat Karni, earning a Righteous Living

We watched a Bollywood movie this weekend, Badmash Company or Fraud Enterprise.  I enjoyed watching it as it was funny and entertaining. The main premise of the movie revolves around a bunch of young guys who want to get rich quick, get into scams and eventually realize their mistake. They turn a new leaf and... Continue Reading →

Thoughts and Meditation

Couple of months back I earnestly started meditating again in the morning. I have tried this couple of times in my life and the longest stretch lasted for about 3-4 months.  I was at a stage in life where almost everything was set in my life. However, there were issues and desires that troubled me,... Continue Reading →

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